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Employee Loyalty (or not)

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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In today's job market, and as millennials begin to take over a significant part of the workplace, companies across all industries and sizes have been experiencing a lack of employee loyalty. Turnover rates are rising because people are always looking for the next phase in their career, some are even looking for a new career altogether. Younger members of the workforce seem to be leading the trend, as today's college graduates will have 9.8 jobs and will work until they are 65. At first this doesn't seem outrageous, however,61% of employees indicated they were either open to another job or actively looking. That means that more than half of America's workforce is "looking," and that is staggering and a scary thought for employers. Employee loyalty seems to be at an all-time low. Check out the infographic below to learn more about the lack of employee loyalty, and come back and visit our blog next week to see how to help improve employee loyalty rates.

Topics: Rewards & Loyalty, Employee Engagement, Employee Retention, General Gift Card, Employee Incentives & Rewards

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