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Corporate Gift Cards: HOT topic for the 2013 Incentive Roundtable

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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Incentive Magazine gathered professionals from across the motivation, recognition, travel, and rewards spectrum to come together for a discussion on the state of the incentive industry. Corporate gift cards, or, gift cards used in the corporate environment portion of the B2B marketplace was a hot topic! In their interview,
Magazine posed the question, “How is the gift card market doing?,” the panel had some interesting views on corporate gift card use.

  • Gift card denominations are decreasing, being used more for a tool that rewards behavior, as micro rewards or incentives
  • Reward and incentive program participants are choosing gift cards over cash seven-to-one
  • Gift cards are outweighing other staple rewards like iPad bundles and travel vouchers, with 75-80% of recipients opting for the gift card

Read the full article from Incentive Magazine here.

Topics: B2B Gift Cards, Employee Recognition, Gift Card Trends, Gift Card Industry, Employee Incentives & Rewards

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