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Staggering Stats About the (Lack of) Employee Engagement

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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We found some scary stats from the Harvard Business Review about employee engagement, and how much is lacking from today's workplace. Here are just 3 quick facts from a recent Bain & Company and Netsurvey study.

  • Engagement scores decline with employee tenure. This leaves the employees with the greatest knowledge of the company and products the least engaged.
  • Engagement scores decline as you go down the org chart. Highly engaged executives are great, but if the junior staff on the front lines isn't engaged, company performance and perception suffer.
  • Engagement levels are lowest among sales and service employees. This leaves the people who are constantly interacting with clients and prospective customers the least engaged with their job. How do you think that is perceived in a sales meeting?

It doesn't have to be this way though. Engaging employees through rewards and incentive programs gives employees at all levels clear goals to work towards and achieve. It allows them to know what they are working for whether its a small denomination gift card, or an afternoon off, and when they are going to receive it.
For more information on the Harvard Business School study or employee engagement check out this article from the Harvard Business Review.

Topics: B2B Gift Cards, Gift Card Incentives & Rewards, Gift Card Trends, Rewards & Loyalty, General Gift Card

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