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Employee Motivation Can't Work Without Employee Engagement

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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A new whitepaper is out from marketing services agency P&MM and it proves a lot of what we have previously based employee motivation initiatives on: you can't motivate employees who aren't engaged. Engaging employees is the first step toward motivation them. Engage employees in their every day work by providing employees with professional development, training and the occasional fun organization activity.

  • Professional Development. Providing professional development opportunities to employees shows that you are willing to make an investment in them. Making employees the best they can be, makes their work the best it can be for your company.
  • Training. Training employees in new skills (maybe an HTML workshop, or a budget tracking workshop for younger employees) and sharpening their old ones (public speaking, Excel, or PowerPoint) is a great way to brush up everyone's skills while improving the quality of the work your employees do.
  • The Occasional Fun Organization Activity. Everyone works better together when they can relax and unwind together. Plan a happy hour, a national "whatever" day treat (or just a treat because it's Wednesday).

There are plenty of ways to both engage and motivate your employees. For more information on employee motivation or employee engagement head over to HR Magazine from our neighbors across the pond.

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