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Mix the Right Employee Rewards With the Right Performers

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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Every organization has a variety of employee performers. There are over-achievers, those who put in the work 9-5 and play their role and then the under achievers who could maybe put some more work in more of the time. Ensuring that your employee rewards match each type of performer and each individual employee's performance. Here are 3 tips to keep your employee rewards program in line.

  1. Link employee rewards to employee behaviors. Even when an under-performing employee does a good job they deserve a reward, if that is the plan you would have in place for that behavior if exemplified my the office over-achiever. A job well done, even in an isolated instance, is a job well done. Don't pass up an opportunity to turn an underachiever into an over-achiever.
  2. Align your traditional bonus structure with your employee reward program. Clearly outline what types of behavior allows employees to reach certain bonus or recognition tiers. Clear communication of the program and its structure will quash any notion of entitlement and will motivate employees to earn rewards.
  3. Give leaders the tools they need to manage an employee rewards program. Communicate, over communicate and ensure leaders have the tools and the structure to manage an employee rewards program fairly and without bias towards typical employee behaviors.

 For more information on how to fairly administer an employee rewards program and encourage lesser performing employees through rewards check out this article from Maritz Motivation.

Topics: Employee Recognition, Rewards & Loyalty, Employee Engagement, General Gift Card, Employee Incentives & Rewards

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