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Employee Growth Builds Employee Loyalty

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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Employees are expecting more and more from their jobs, while at the same time employers are trying to retain employees as the notion of the "company man or woman" becomes a thing of the past. Higher salaries, free snacks, and flexible hours are great, but giving employees an opportunity to really grow and learn at work is the most compelling case for employee loyalty. Employees can leave when their positions start to feel stagnate. They get bored, they check out, and then they start to look for other opportunities to grow. A recent Canadian study reveals that 65% of Canadian employees would leave their "perfect job" for more money, to improve their career opportunities, or for a job that is a better fit for their background. This is compelling and consistent with the employee climate in the U.S. as well. Employees are looking to build their profiles, and if they find an employer who is willing to help them build that while working and contributing to the organization, their loyalty will endure. Employees won't have an opportunity to stagnate and will build themselves opportunities for advancement, while advancing the goals of their organization. For more information on how to build employee loyalty through employee growth check out this
article from the Financial Post.

Topics: Rewards & Loyalty, Employee Retention, General Gift Card, Professional Development

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