Team communication is key. The better a team can communicate, even non-verbally, the better that team can work together in any situation. Being able to pick up on signals and non-verbal tendencies can help co-workers in critical situations like client meetings or big presentations. So, how do you expedite your teams bonding and ensure everyone gets to know each other and gets comfortable? Put everyone in an equally uncomfortable position doing a fun(ny) activity like stand-up comedy, improv or karaoke. Get everyone nervous, so their teammates learn their nervous habits. That way when they are in front of the big client and may not have the best answer, their teammates know, seamlessly, to jump in. Creating fun team building activities also helps teammates get to know each other outside the office. It gets everyone loose and talking to each other about something other than work. Building team bonds makes client meetings stronger and the potential for sales and upsells greater. Improving team communication can translate to improving your bottom line. For more information on how to improve team communication through comedy check out this
video from
Team Communication Through Comedy

Topics: Team Building, General Gift Card, Professional Development