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Employee Investment is an Investment in Your Brand

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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employee investmentEmployees are your brand. They are the ultimate liaison between you and your customers. No customers, no business, so it's critical to make an employee investment and consider it an investment in your brand. In order to ensure your employees are the strongest representation of your brand you must create a culture of employee engagement. Here are three ways to do that.

  1. Knowledge: Empower employees with knowledge. Ensure they have a full knowledge of products in inventory, how to procure products that may be out of stock, and other key information to enhance the customer experience. Retail employees who work on the floor are your brand ambassadors. Make sure they have all the tools they need to succeed.
  2. Communication: Teach employees how to tell your brand story. Polite bubbly personalities are great but when employees understand your brand's narrative at the highest most corporate level it will help them immerse themselves in that story and craft it for each individual interaction they have. Better consumer experiences mean a stronger brand and business case.
  3. Commitment: Commit your organization to your employees. Professional commitment needs to go both ways. Employees commit to working hard for you, and you have to commit to professional development, training and perks for them. Commit to your employees and they will commit themselves to organizational goals.

For more information on employee investment or how employees represent your brand, check out this
article from Retail Customer Experience.

Topics: Employee Recognition, Retailers & Merchants, Rewards & Loyalty, Employee Engagement, Employee Incentives & Rewards

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