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Wearables Embed Employers in Health and Wellness Initiatives

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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Wearable technology is gaining popularity in the consumer market and has the potential to transform the way employers structure their employee health and wellness initiatives. The transformation will have an effect on the price tag of these initiatives, but the direct effect of incorporating wearable technology will ease the time it takes for employers to track employee wellness activity. Wearables allow employers to track employee activity automatically and integrate it into a master database. There is no need to verify and compare employee activity. Wearable technology streamlines health and wellness initiatives by embedding employers into the process alongside employees. Wearables also provide a unique motivator for both employers an employees. Employees get involved with the latest technology trends, and they get to get competitive with both themselves and  their employees through existing social networks and digital infrastructure. Employers get a full picture of how employees are doing with their fitness goals which allows them to keep struggling employees motivated and reward employees who are reaching their goals. Having automatic tracking also allows employers to streamline rewards into health and wellness initiatives. Since employers can track goals and achievements they can deliver rewards automatically. With the flexibility of e-gift cards to deliver gifts digitally, the entire cycle because cheaper for employers and more streamlined and consistent for employees.

Topics: Gift Card Trends, Workplace Health & Wellness, General Gift Card, Employee Incentives & Rewards

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