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The December CVS eNewsletter is Here!

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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CVS December eNewsletter

Top stories from the December CVS eNewsletter!Subscribe to eNews today!

2015 is coming to a close and with the New Year right around the corner employers and employees are setting new goals...both in and out of the workplace. Many of those goals almost habitually revolve around getting (or staying) healthy. Now this doesn't always mean skipping the extra piece of birthday cake at the office or fitting 30 minutes of cardio into your routine. It can also mean creating a more work-life balance. The reason employers should pay close attention to helping employees meet or exceed these work-life balance goals is simple, it benefits the person and the organization as a whole.

This December CVS eNewsletter focuses on ways you can help your employees keep their health top of mind in the New Year, along with all the latest CVS news. It also explains some tips and resources about the rewards and incentives that fit best for your wellness program to not only foster success but also set a culture of wellness within your organization.

CVS in the News

cvs healthCVS/pharmacy Providing Comprehensive Health Care Coverage Support - CVS/pharmacy is offering a range of health insurance tools & resources to help consumers learn about health care coverage options.  
Family Physicians Join With CVS Health to Improve Coordination - This initiative will advocate for patients access to coordinated continuous care to ensure all consumers have access to a primary care provider.  
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Health & Wellness News

CVS December enewsletterMindful Eating Tips to Remember During the Holiday Season - Holiday traditions usually revolve around food. Here are a few helpful eating tips to cultivate healthy eating habits throughout the year.  

CVS december enewsletter

5 Ways to Preempt Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) - Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a serious form of depression that can impact a person's health and productivity. Help manage seasonal blues in your workforce.

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