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How to Improve Employee Engagement in the Workplace

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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Workplace disengagement has captured the attention of many companies in the US, as they continually look for effective ways to improve employee engagement.

In the past four years, there has been a 17 percent increase in employee disengagement, according to Gallup data.

Related:  3 Ways Development and Training Boost Employee Engagement

In 2017, disengagement levels have risen to 87 percent, Gallup reports, and the increase isn't isolated to one particular industry. From healthcare companies to retailers, they're all experiencing the difficulties of keeping workers focused and motivated.

So, what can be done to counteract employee disengagement? 

Pay Employees Fairly

There's no getting around it: when employees feel devalued or underpaid, that's going to lead to full or partial disengagement in the workplace. In fact, it could ultimately result in another problem altogether: a high turnover rate.

Read: Employee Retention, Turnover Rate Hinge on Respect

With 61 percent of surveyed workers viewing compensation as "very important" to overall job satisfaction, according to SHRM research, companies can learn from this and look to enhance their annual employee performance review and pay plans. 

When employees believe they're being paid a respectable wage and given appropriate raises, it can generate worker engagement and likely a better company culture.


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Make Incentives Count

Ah, yes, the age-old question all employees ask themselves: what's in it for us?

Incentives are a must for any company serious about motivating its employees to achieve goals and meet deadlines for major projects. 

When it comes to sales, DCR Strategies reports that yearly revenue growth is three times higher for companies offering a tangible sales incentive compared to those that don't offer one.

DCR Strategies also found that companies with higher employee engagement in the workplace saw 50 percent higher sales and customer loyalty, respectively; 38 percent above-average workplace productivity, and a 27 percent increase in profits.

Several great incentives to consider offering your employees include:

  • Additional paid time off
  • Flexible work schedule
  • Gift cards that offer experiences (i.e. Home Chef, Go Play Golf gift cards)
  • Health-related discounts (see: gym reimbursements, weight loss challenges)
  • Opportunities to work from home 

Give Rewards That Matter

If your employees aren't actively engaged in the office, it's probably time to make adjustments to your existing recognition and rewards program. 

With employers spending $7 billion annually on gift cards for their employees, according to an Incentive Magazine report, the demand remains strong and they can serve as a great addition to your corporate rewards program. 

Surprising workers with spot reward gift cards for a job well done, or doling them out monthly to employees of the month are a few approaches you can take to inspire and motivate your workplace population.

Using multiple tactics can be a great way to spur employee engagement in the workplace, while at the same time reducing worker disengagement. Finding the right mix of compensation, incentives and rewards is the key to employee satisfaction, as well as a company's long-term success.

What have you found to be effective approaches to increasing employee engagement? Let us know by posting a comment in the comments section below.

Topics: Employee Engagement

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