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3 Ways Development And Training Boost Employee Engagement

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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Employee engagement is critical to any company’s success, and companies that fail in the development and training of their employees typically experience higher turnover rates and more disengaged workers.

Read: Positive Outcomes Of Employee Recognition

Studies show that disengagement is on the rise nationwide, so rather than let engagement fall by the wayside, here are three ways you can ensure that your company’s employees remain focused and interested in all aspects of the business. 

Mentorship Program: You can bolster employee engagement by implementing a cross-functional mentorship program for long-tenured employees to help new hires learn more about company culture and tradition.

It’s a strategy that not only gets junior employees caught up to speed quicker with how the company operates, but it’s also a way to keep your seasoned staffers engaged.

Also, both mentors and new employees could earn gift cards depending if they meet certain onboarding goals.

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Make Training Interactive: Four in 10 employees are actively disengaged when they get little-to-no feedback, according to a Whatfix report.

This lack of engagement provides an opportunity for employers to make sure employees are getting input in different training environments such as traditional or virtual classrooms and also through gamification.

Give employees on-the-job training, reinforcement via technology and feedback to diversify your training portfolio and engage employees in their own development.

If employees passes a course exam, for example, their employer can recognize their achievement by rewarding them with a gift card.

Get Employee Feedback: A survey by Waggl Human Capital Pulse found that 97 percent of business leaders believe that listening to their employees and incorporating their ideas is important to a company’s overall success.

Employee feedback creates transparency and helps employers understand what employees need and want. Without this, your company won’t be able to make informed decisions as to what works best for the majority of your employees. 

Don’t look at training and development as an investment in your employees, but rather an investment in your company.

By making your employees better, they can return the favor by improving your company.

Employers may want to consider rewarding employees by giving them an opportunity to win a paid day off or gift card for submitting their feedback as part of a drawing. This would offer a win-win scenario for both an employee and the company, which can take the feedback received and make improvements to the way it does business.

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Topics: Employee Gifts, Employee Engagement

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