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Simple Ways to Encourage Employee Wellness in the Workplace

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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Employee wellness in the workplace: It's become a focal point for many companies, but coming up with new program initiatives has proven to be difficult.

Read: CVS Reveals New Store Design & Plan to Offer Healthy Snacks

As programs become more prevalent, they become more similar. You need to go beyond basic gym reimbursements and holiday calorie counts and innovate your workplace wellness program.

Here are three ideas to incorporate into your employee wellness program:

Make Snacking Healthier

One of the biggest struggles people have when it comes to living a healthy lifestyle and losing weight is monitoring the food they eat.

Getting active can certainly help, but science has proven that most people don’t lose weight unless they keep track of their food consumption and cut calories.

Whether from boredom, stress or hunger, a lot of empty calories are consumed at our desks. If you only provide healthy snack options for purchase or in a stocked kitchen, your employees will eat better and avoid tough times of day like the 3 p.m. sugar craving, or their pre-commute bag of chips. 

Introducing a food challenge in the workplace is one way to get employees more focused on improving their eating habits. Those that meet or exceed a wellness goal can be rewarded with small denomination gift cards.

Seeking health and wellness information? Visit our Resources section today.

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Kick Off Project Zero

Benefits Pro introduced "Project Zero" to their wellness program, which focuses on weight gain during the holidays and encourages employees to be mindful of those extra pounds.

While holiday weight often gets attributed to Christmas and Thanksgiving, long weekends such as July 4th and Labor Day often get paired with high-calorie barbecues and ice cream sundaes.

With many families on the road during the holidays, you could kick start the program by buying gift cards to restaurants known for having healthier options.

Reimburse Race Entry

Road races come in all shapes and sizes.

Participation in road races often come with hefty price tags, ranging from $50 for a 10K to $300 for some of the world’s premier marathons.

A great way to continue a wellness program and encourage employees to take their fitness to the next level is making it easier for them to get involved.

Whether your employees are joining a charity walk, a 5K, or a marathon, offer a full or partial race registration reimbursement.

Need to improve your corporate wellness incentives? Learn more about adding CVS Select® gift cards or CVS Pharmacy® Flu Shot gift cards to your program.

Topics: Workplace Health & Wellness

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