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How Two Healthcare Companies Found Success by Rewarding Medicaid Members

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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Finding a strategy to keep Medicaid members engaged in healthy activities is not always easy. Medicaid members may have trouble with appointment attendance due to a lack of access to, or inability to pay for transportation; or, they are unable to take time off from work, which is often in arduous, blue-collar industries. 

It is important to keep Medicaid members engaged in a healthy lifestyle because this vulnerable population is more susceptible to disparities in health care quality and access. Medicaid members are affected by social determinants of health and are at a higher risk of health issues due to a number of factors such as food insecurity, air quality, and living conditions. Keeping Medicaid members healthy is beneficial for members and Medicaid Payers because it reduces medical costs and hospital readmission rates.

When members are incentivized through health and wellness programs to engage in activities that improve overall health, it rewards patients for healthy behaviors and saves money for the entire healthcare ecosystem, by keeping patients out of the emergency room and avoiding hospital stays. 

The GiftCard Partners Solution for Medicaid

An effective way to increase member appointment attendance and incorporate healthy lifestyle changes is by using non-cash incentives, such as gift cards. Incentivizing and rewarding Medicaid members with gift cards encourages and motivates them to follow through on their medical appointments and reach their health goals.

GiftCard Partners works to find the best solutions that will engage members in healthy behaviors and keep them out of the hospital and the emergency room. 

Below we have two brief case studies from our healthcare clients whose organizations incorporated gift card incentives into their wellness programs to re-engage their Medicaid population. These case studies give insight into how our incentives can positively impact the lives of Medicaid members and reduce remittance rates for healthcare providers and Accountable Care Organizations. Through these case studies, you'll gain some first-hand knowledge of the impact incentives have on wellness programs, and how they could benefit your organization.

1. How a woman-owned business (WBENC) improved its members’ health and participation through wellness incentives

A WBENC full-service integrated marketing firm with in-house print production, bindery, mailing, and distribution capabilities, was looking for an incentive and reward solution to incorporate into their clients’ (a major health Insurance company) Medicaid program. They needed a gift card that would incentivize their Medicaid members to live a healthier lifestyle and were having trouble finding a solution that fully matched their needs as well as met the requirements of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

They purchased Walmart AFT gift cards from GiftCard Partners for their large national payor client. This card prohibits the purchase of alcohol, tobacco, and firearms and is used to incentivize Medicaid members to purchase healthy items. 

They chose the Walmart brand because it is easily accessible to the Medicaid population and they felt Walmart would give their members a wide variety of items from which to purchase, while at the same time meeting the guidelines and restrictions they had to adhere to for CMS. GiftCard Partners provided them just the right solution, which was a card that restricts the purchase of ATF products. 

After purchasing the Walmart ATF Cards from GiftCard Partners (GCP), we provided our client with fulfillment services by coordinating the collateral pieces and successfully assisted in the delivery to their client’s Medicaid members through direct mail. 

In a study done by The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Incentives for Prevention of Chronic Diseases, it was reported that 76% of Medicaid beneficiaries strongly agreed that this program encouraged healthy lifestyle changes in their lives. 

The implementation of our Walmart Card into their Medicaid program resulted in members’ health improvement, increased doctor visit attendance, and a lowered hospital readmission rate. GiftCard Partners helped them achieve their program goals with a solution that matched their specific Medicaid demographic needs. 

2. How a leading provider of systems-based technology was able to increase doctor appointment attendance and reduce hospitalization with wellness incentives   

A leading provider of systems-based technology and engagement solutions for State Medicaid plans that serves millions of Medicaid, Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), Medicare, and Marketplace members found GiftCard Partners through our relationship with CVS®. They needed gift cards for their Medicaid program to engage their members in healthy activities and our CVS® Select Card was the perfect solution. This card incentivizes the purchase of healthy items, which is the direction that Medicaid providers desire for their members.  

After using our services to buy CVS gift cards in bulk, the client wanted to add additional gift card choices for their members like Target and TJ Maxx. We introduced them to our gift card incentive suite, Engage2Reward®, a simple gift card reward platform that makes it easy to administer and send out gift cards digitally--it allows healthcare providers to pick from over 300 gift card brands that appeal to a diverse range of member interests. 

By using a diverse range of gift cards in their Medicaid program--called The Healthy Behavior Medicaid Program--our client was able to incentivize Medicaid patients to attend their doctor’s appointments and engage in healthy activities, resulting in reduced hospitalizations and readmissions. 

Reducing hospitalization is vitally important and it is imperative that hospitals avoid readmission at all costs. That is why it is important for members to see the doctor regularly. Our platform Engage2Reward® provides a solution for these two key problems of hospitalization & readmission by giving our customers hundreds of gift card brands from which to choose the perfect brand that will engage and incentivize their members. 

Gift card incentives make a positive impact on people's lives

These are just two customer success stories for utilizing gift card incentives in Medicaid programs. Gift cards are ideal tools because they can be easily shipped, emailed, or texted directly to recipients. They help cover the costs of medicine, prescriptions, and other health items as well as essential household and basic necessities. Gift card incentives make a positive impact on people's lives.

With over 300 gift card brands to choose from on our Engage2Reward™ Platform, you’re able to choose the perfect reward to help patients.

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Topics: Rewards & Loyalty, Medicaid and Medicare, Medicaid & Medicare Incentives

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