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Free Webinar: Making Dollars & Sense Out of Wellness Incentives

On Thursday, Aug. 4, four industry experts engaged in a candid discussion about the wellness incentive market. With four out of five employers offering wellness programs with the expectation of reducing health plan costs, there is a lot of pressure on the industry. However, if wellness incentives are not well executed, the return on investment benefits for employers will not be recognized. So who can you turn to for guidance through an evolving industry? Meet the panelists:

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Building Successful Employee Recognition

On October 29th GiftCard Partners Co-CEO Deborah Merkin joined Vicki Ravenel, VP of Business Development at Ultimate Choice and Bill Bradley, VP of Marketing and Business Development at Omega Management Group to discuss the impact employee recognition has on your consumer experience. The webcast, Employee Recognition Programs that Enrich the Customer Experience, talked to the importance of consistency, reward type and management support in building successful employee recognition. In addition, it reviewed:

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The B2B Gift Card Market is Changing, Are You Keeping Up?

The B2B gift card market is ever changing, especially in the Business-to-Business or B2B sector of the market. The B2B sector, which includes third party gift cards, loyalty and incentive programs, corporate wellness and more, now stretches to make up a significant piece of the gift card market.

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Just DAYS left to register for GCP’s U.S. Gift Card WEBINAR

      Registration is now closed but you can watch the recording!
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GiftCard Partners U.S. Survey on Gift Card Usage On-Demand Webcast

Please join GiftCard Partners (GCP) as we present results from a U.S. poll we commissioned with Shapiro Research to gain a pulse on gift card usage featuring Melina Balboni, vice president marketing and business development, GCP. Attendees will learn about:

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