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Are Workplace Wellness Programs Fostering Healthier Employees?

It’s un-debatable that more employers than ever are starting health and wellness initiatives since the inception of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). There are tax benefits for employers who offer health and wellness programs and we’ve seen lots of studies about how incentives like gift cards for success compliment these programs by driving interest, engaging participants, while boosting benefits packages and lowering health care costs.

But, the most important (and complex) question: Are employers really building healthier minds and bodies, while also increasing productivity? What about for the long term? A recent survey of more than 30,000 Ceridian LifeWorks participants presents us with a “YES!!”, via these results1:

  • 71% reported a reduction in stress
  • 60% reported an increase in work productivity
  • 66% reported fewer absences
  • 68% indicated they are more likely to stay with their company thanks to the wellness program

In follow-up calls with participants 12 months after completing a LifeWorks enhanced coaching and incentive program2:

  • 65% reduced their body weight
  • 63% improved their coping skills
  • 48% successfully quit smoking (and 23% reduced their nicotine intake)

Providing benchmark information like this to measure and prove the effectiveness of YOUR workplace health and wellness program can be the key to retaining your programs or expanding them.

Let us know how successful your measurement practices have been by leaving us your comments.

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Stats source:
Some Stats on Wellness from Ceridian Services, From the March 2011 issue of Ceridian Health Care Compass
1. Ceridian Performance Dashboard All Clients, January - December 2010
2. Ceridian Outcomes through Q4 2010

Topics: B2B Gift Cards, Gift Card Trends, Workplace Health & Wellness, General Gift Card, Healthcare, Employee Incentives & Rewards

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