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Employee Health and Wellness Programs ROI is Evident

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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According to a new survey from the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans there is more reason than ever to provide health and wellness programs with incentive benefits for your employees. According to the survey for every $1 companies invest in health and wellness programs for employees, $3 is saved in health care costs. 70% of U.S. employers are currently running some form of a health and wellness program, and 83% of all employers running programs saw a return on investment. It is not surprising that health and wellness programs see unprecedented return on investment. Employees get healthier, happier, and feel more supported by their employers. These factors all lead to increased happiness at work, retention rates, and productivity. To incentivize employees to reach health and fitness goals use small rewards such as gift cards
, or extra time off. It’s a great way to show employees you care, not just about the job they do for the organization, but for their long term well-being. To learn more about the report from the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans check out this tip in 
Time Magazine or article in 
Baseline Magazine 

Topics: Employee Recognition, Gift Card Incentives & Rewards, Workplace Health & Wellness, Gift Cards, General Gift Card, Employee Incentives & Rewards

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