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Renewed Importance of Employee Recognition

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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According to the 2012 Workforce Mood Tracker from Globoforce employee recognition programs are on the rise, and for many employees the presence of these programs can dictate their satisfaction with their employer. The statistics from this study are staggering, and further cement the importance of employee recognition programs as part of the investment employers make in their staff.

  • 55% of respondents said they would leave their current position to work for a company with an employee recognition program
  • 81% of employees noted increased job satisfaction as a result of an employee rewards program
  • Only 23% of employees who have been recognized for excellent performance in their job plan to look for a new position, compared with 51% who claim they have never been recognized in the workplace
  • 89% of recognized employees feel appreciated in their jobs, compared with only 17% of people who have never been recognized

These numbers are changing the way leadership leads and how human resource budgets are allocated. Letting your employees know you care, and appreciate their time and energy goes a long way. Small rewards such as gift cards, or an extra afternoon off can make a tremendous difference in how your employees view their jobs and their satisfaction with their employer. What have you done for your employees today?
For more information on the 2012 Workforce Mood Tracker from Globoforce check out this article in After Market News.

Topics: Employee Recognition, Gift Card Incentives & Rewards, Gift Cards, General Gift Card, Employee Incentives & Rewards

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