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3 Keys to Building Trust

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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Trust is crucial to the success of your company, and the satisfaction of your employees. Companies where there is trust between management and staff are more successful, produce more valuable stock, and have more successful employees. Here are 3 key ways to building trust with your staff:
Involve employees in decisions that affect them. This shows that you trust your employees capability. This does not mean that you need to pull everyone in on every minute decision. However, involved people in decision making that is going to have an affect on their work responsibility, even if they do not make the final decision, shows management's confidence in employees ability.
Be transparent and consistent in your actions. This shows reliability to employees. It allows employees to understand management patterns and thought processes.
Pay attention to relationships. Employers understanding what employees want is critical. The connection between employees and managers often dictates how engaged and satisfied employees are, and maintaining that relationship should be one of management's top priorities to ensure success.

Topics: Employee Recognition, Gift Card Incentives & Rewards, Employee Gifts, Gift Cards, Employee Engagement, General Gift Card, Employee Incentives & Rewards

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