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Gamify Your Safety Program

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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Gamification is a concept that is gaining popularity among employers to motivate employees to certain goals. Those goals can range from certain performance goals, to health and wellness goals, to workplace safety goals. Adding a gamification component to your workplace safety program can be a great way to keep safety top of mind for employees and decrease accident rates in your work space. Gamifying safety can be as simple as creating a public website, and for each day a worker, team of workers, or your entire workforce completes without an accident points can get added to a pool, which can then be cashed in for a variety of rewards. Some organizations opt for a more complex safety rewards game, creating teams, similar to fantasy sports, who compete against each other for points that can be later cashed in for rewards. This option allows the employer to track both individual and team performance, to find strengths and weaknesses organization-wide.

Safety rewards can range from a variety of gift cards based on employee interest (anything from 
GNC, to 
The Limited, to the 
Cheesecake Factory), to larger rewards for more impressive safety records, such as vacations or extra time off. However you choose to reward for safe work, engage your employees and give them ownership in the process. This will ensure that the motivational piece of the rewards program is effective, and your workplace is safer.

For more information about gamifying your safety rewards check out this article from BusinessInsurance.com.

Topics: Employee Recognition, General Gift Card, Safety Incentives, Employee Incentives & Rewards

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