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Corporate Employee Programs & How to Incorporate Incentives

We’re finding that people are still questioning why companies across the U.S. are spending $22.7 BILLION
1 on gift cards as incentives in corporate employee programs and what this segment of the B2B gift card market is all about. AND we’re also finding that corporations and companies of all sizes are STILL surprised to learn that there are savings to be had on bulk gift cards purchased for employee motivation, employee engagement, and employee rewards.  Why are 52% of U.S. businesses using gift cards to recognize and reward employees, sales folk, partners and customers.
2 Dig deep into how gift cards are utilized in the workplace to motivate, incent, and reward in employee programs.[hs_action id="2877"] 1 & 2 Source: IRF Market Study: B2B Gift Cards

Topics: Gift Card Trends, Workplace Health & Wellness, Health Incentives, Employee Engagement, General Gift Card, Safety Incentives, Gift Card Programs, Employee Incentives & Rewards

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