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How Employee Recognition Links to Office Parties

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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Raises, promotions, extra time off, these words may be a risky topic for employers to discuss when they are working on a tighter budget than last year. Not to mention looking for employee recognition ideas for more and more employees doing  a job well done. Incentive Magazine talks about the
“Power of Perks” and how leading organizations are recognizing their value and trying to find how it can fit into their organization. Finding a way to acknowledge the hard work of your employees as a whole can be as easy and affordable as an office party, and the most important part of a party: office catering. Ever heard the expression, the quickest way to an employee’s heart is through their stomach? Boston Market recognized this and made it easy for employers to feed their workforce on a budget; offering discounted rates on volume purchases of their new Boston Market Catering eGift Card. Mass employee recognition doesn't need to be time consuming, expensive, or dreaded. Getting the office together in a social setting helps take some of the stress from the work week off their shoulders and gives employers the chance to celebrate achievements, goals reached and success of the company WITH their employees.
Learn more about the perks and savings of using Boston Market Catering eCertificates for your company’s office catering needs.

Topics: Employee Recognition, Gift Card Technology, Boston Market, General Gift Card, Employee Incentives & Rewards

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