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Workplace Gift Cards, the Answer to Business Lunch Meetings

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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Sending employees out for business lunches or dinners is a great way to offer some flexibility and change of atmosphere to employees. Help them get out of the office, put them in a neutral and more personal setting, and new ideas will flow. However, the moment the check comes so does that awkward question of who picks up the tab?

Steve Tobak gives some great advice on how to steer clear of that awkward moment with 5 rules he gives for knowing when to pick up the check in Inc. article, Business Etiquette: Who Should Pick Up the Check?

One great way to avoid this awkwardness all together is by implementing gift card incentives in your company. Gift cards to popular eating locations like The Cheesecake Factory, Applebee’s®, and Darden® Restaurants are a great way to get your staff out of the office, to lighten the business agenda that comes with the meeting room. Find out how you can save on volume orders of gift cards for all your workplace needs today!


Topics: Business Success, General Gift Card, Gift Card Programs

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