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Why High Employee Engagement Works for You

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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It is well established that highly engaged employees work harder and stay happier in their jobs longer. A
new study from Gallup further proves that employee engagement actual drives up productivity and satisfaction to the point where engaging employees is affecting organizations' bottom lines. The study reveals that companies who don't make employee engagement a strategic priority can hurt their revenue because their employees are absent more, their turnover rate is higher, and when employees are at work they simply don't get as much done. Here are some quick facts from Gallup:

  • Organizations with high employee engagement rates have 22% higher productivity rates
  • Highly engaged business units report 48% fewer safety incidents
  • Highly engaged business units report 41% fewer defects
  • Engaged employees look out for the needs of their coworkers and the overall enterprise

Engaging employees is to bring meaning to every day an employee is working for you. When an employee does an exceptional job reward them with a small denomination gift card to popular retailers like The Cheesecake Factory, CVS/Pharmacy or Crutchfield. If a team works really hard on a project, give them an extra afternoon off when the project is complete. Care about your people, because people will notice, care, and work harder because of it.
To learn more about what employee engagement can do for your organization's bottom line check out this article from Fast Company. 

Topics: Employee Recognition, Gift Card Incentives & Rewards, Gift Cards, General Gift Card, Employee Incentives & Rewards

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