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Happy Employees Translate into Happy Customers

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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April is customer loyalty month, but we need to remember that the root of the customer loyalty lies not in the customer themselves but in their brand experience. Customers are loyal when they have positive brand experiences with happy employees who are knowledgable and motivated doing their jobs. Here are a few ways to keep your employees motivated and promoting a positive brand experience to keep customers loyal:

  1. Give Employees Variety. Don't pigeon hole employees into menial daily tasks. Allow employees to volunteer for alternating tasks within the office. It will provide variety and allow employees to get hands on professional development training.
  2. Maintain Open Communication. Anything that is going on with an organization that can be shared with all employees should be. Secrets create division but open communication creates united employees who share the camaraderie of a team.
  3. Give feedback all year round. Reviews are important, but providing constant feedback and being open to it make reviews easier. There should never be a surprise at a review, and if there is constant feedback surprises are impossible.

For more information on keeping happy employees to groom happy customers head over to Business2Community.

Topics: Employee Recognition, Rewards & Loyalty, Customer Service, General Gift Card, Customer Loyalty, Employee Incentives & Rewards

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