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Effective Employee Recognition

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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Employee recognition is a great tool to engage and motivate employees. Ensuring that employee recognition programs are effective is the key to ensuring that the ROI desired when making the investment is met. Here are three tips for making sure your employee recognition program is on track, especially as summer peaks and employees lose focus amid vacations and nice weather.

  1. Communicate Often: Set goals, create clear milestones that recognition will be rewarded, and make sure communication is consistent. Communication informs employees of the structure of the program and allows them to understand what the end goals to earn recognition are.
  2. Deliver Spot Rewards: The element of surprise (or spontaneity) can go a long way in creating lasting, meaningful employee recognition. Small rewards like low denomination gift cards to CVS/pharmacy are great ways to put instant gratification into an employee recognition program and boost satisfaction and motivation levels across the staff.
  3. Seek Feedback: Keeping a constant feedback loop allows employees to voice their opinion about the recognition program and can open a line of communication for general employee feedback. Feedback keeps employee morale and motivation high as employees value being able to contribute to the overall wellbeing of the organization.

For more information on how to ensure the effectiveness of your employee recognition program head over to Incentive Magazine.

Topics: B2B Gift Cards, Employee Recognition, Gift Card Incentives & Rewards, Gift Card Trends, General Gift Card

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