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Free Employee Perks That Mean Everything

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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Employee perks are a great way to provide non-cash rewards and incentives to your employees. Providing a little something extra to employees beyond their workload helps build team dynamics and create a positive company culture. Here are four employee perks that won't touch your budget but will go a long way in building your team.

  1. Unlimited Time Off: This can be a win-win, if handled properly. Making unlimited vacation work involves prepping managers for the flexibility they are going to have to give employees in order for the policy to hold true. It is equally important to communicate to employees that this is vacation at THEIR discretion. Don't be afraid to mention that there is a line that can be crossed. However, unlimited vacation gives employee flexibility and prevents employers from needing to pay out accrued days off upon employee departure for any reason.
  2. Workouts- Mind and Body: Challenge employees and offer an escape. Lunch-time professional development training and after work yoga session in the office are both great ways to provide healthy and productive employee perks. Helping employees grow and form good habits goes a long way.
  3. A Culture of Giving: Do good, together. Charity, volunteering and giving back to the community are all great ways to bring your team together. This provides internal camaraderie while also doing good for your community and those less fortunate.
  4. Gratitude: Be grateful; for each other, for the work and for the successes! Let employees know when they are going above and beyond, and let employees recognize each other. Make a wall of gratitude or an anonymous internal blog.

For more ideas on how to use free employee perks to build your team head over to The Muse.

Topics: Employee Recognition, Rewards & Loyalty, Team Building, Employee Benefits, General Gift Card, Employee Incentives & Rewards

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