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Healthy Employees are Good for Business

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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Every organization strives to have a strong workforce. They are looking for employees who can drive the business, build relationships and advance organizational goals. But creating those strong employees has to go beyond just business and into health and wellness. Ensuring that employees are exercising, eating right, and generally taking care of themselves by using their healthcare benefits will create a stronger workforce, both mentally and physically. Some of the numbers around employee health benefits are staggering. Investing in healthy employees can increase productivity and strengthen your business as a whole Using health and wellness programs, as outlined in the
Public Health Institute's infographic below, increases productivity by minimizing employee's time away from work. Focusing programs on preventing avoidable conditions such as high blood pressure, obesity and high cholesterol invoke achievable goals for employees. Incentivizing these prevention program with small rewards help employees maintain a healthy lifestyle and are a great way to give your employees a boost, as they give your business a boost. Download the brief
infographic outlining how health prevention leads to healthy employees

Topics: Workplace Health & Wellness, General Gift Card

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