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Summer Gift Cards are the Go-To Gift

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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Summer gift cards are gaining popularity in the gift market this spring and summer. As individuals look for gifts for moms, dads, grads and newlyweds, gift cards continue to be the catch-all gift that's easy for the gifter and always a pleasant surprise for the giftee. The  infographic below from the Retail Gift Card Association reveals that 80% of gifters want their recipients to have the option to redeem online or in-store, showing that omnichannel flexibility is an overwhelming consumer concern. Since gift cards are flexible in nature, consumers want to ensure that recipients have as much flexibility in how and where they redeem as they do in what merchandise they redeem for.
summer Gift Cards

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Topics: B2B Gift Cards, Gift Card Trends, Gift Cards, General Gift Card, Payments Industry, RGCA

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