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Let's Talk About Employee Flu Shots

The flu is no laughing matter. Each year there are more than 111 million sick days taken from the flu which leads to 7 billion dollars in lost productivity. Flu season officially starts in October and ends in May, making summer the ideal time to start preparing your workforce. This can mean educating people on simple things they can do in order to stay healthy; like washing their hands throughout the day, carrying tissues, and drinking the recommended 64 ounces of water every day. So what can you, the employer do? Provide employee flu shots.

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Scrip Fundraising Programs: A Brief Guide

Scrip fundraising programs are an interesting way churches and schools would raise much-needed funds for various programs they offer. Instead of traditional fundraisers like bake sales and auctions, that may only provide benefit once a year, scrip gives the power to raise funds all year long. But scrip fundraising programs aren’t just for churches and schools anymore.

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How to Jumpstart Your Wellness Program

Do you want to start a wellness program at your organization but don’t know where to start? Maybe you’ve heard about all of the potential benefits, but don’t know if your employees will adopt the program. If so, here are a few simple tips to jumpstart your wellness program.

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Premium Reductions No Longer Rewarding

Premium reductions are becoming less effective when it comes to employee health and wellness programs. We recently wrote about how cash isn’t king when it comes to rewards and incentives, and the same can be said for rewarding and incenting employees for healthy behaviors.

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Investment in Employee Wellness Goes Beyond Health

A recent study, State of the Industry: Employee Well-being in 2016, from
Virgin Pulse, in partnership with Human Capital Mediasurveyed over 1,000 HR professionals across a variety of levels and industries to see how they planned to use employee wellness and health programs in 2016. Their findings go beyond the obvious answer we have seen in past years.
The survey indicated that employee wellness programs in 2016 will not simply focus on reducing healthcare costs for employers and employees. Employee wellness has expanded to include financial wellness, and more company-centric motives like employee productivity, promoting organizational culture and employee engagement. The investment in employee wellness is moving from being viewed as a cost-cutting measure and is now used more as a tool for employee engagement.
Here are the key stats from the new study:

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