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Killer Ways to Engage with Gift Cards to Build Participation

At GCP, we are constantly monitoring gift card usage… well, usage in a “bulk way”. Check out our recent favorite picks for gift card usage!

Gift Cards for Sustainability

“Stop Waste at Work Contest.” Is a contest that gives employees of commercial businesses, civic organizations and nonprofits the chance to be rewarded for sorting their office waste. From October - November, individuals who work in Alameda County can participate and become eligible to win prizes and gift cards by pledging to sort their office waste properly, while encouraging co-workers to do the same. Pledges include
“liking” the StopWaste.Org’s Facebook page and clicking on the contest tab. StopWaste.Org’s followers on Facebook will also get contest updates, helpful tips, and other useful information about recycling at work. It is also possible to pledge directly through the StopWasteatWork.org website. Pledge winners will be chosen at random, with one winner announced weekly. Weekly pledge winners will receive gift cards to Ace Hardware, BART, Jamba Juice, Peets, REI, or Whole Foods. Source: Around Dublin (Dublin, CA)

Gift Cards for Local Jobs

Local newspapers have long been our connection to the outside world, wherever you are. But how can local papers and news sites keep readers engaged? Contests like these are a great way to engage readership, especially on the hot topic of job searching, a super-competitive topic. This example is from across the world, near Melbourne, Australia. “SPOT the odd job for your chance to win! This week, Leader is giving you the chance to win one of four $250 fuel gift cards. To enter, simply scan this week’s employment pages and spot Leader’s Odd Job advertisement to find a unique code word.” What a great idea! Source: Maribyrnong Leader

Gift cards Deploying to MPs in Afghanistan

“Sixty-four military personnel stationed overseas will receive some extra spending money this Christmas season thanks to the efforts of Platte County and its American Legion members. Dave Bruckner, finance officer for Platte County American Legion,
started the gift card program earlier this year after learning of the model at a Legion convention. The idea, he said, was to raise money for gift cards instead of traditional care packages, which are often expensive to ship - taking away money that could be utilized by the troops.” 64 gift cards at $50 each - a $3,200 total has been raised to date…this tops the “how to treat the people to take care of us” right, LIST. Source: ColumbusTelegram.com

Topics: B2B Gift Cards, Fundraising, Charities & Nonprofits, Gift Card Trends, Business Success, Employee Engagement, Events and Trade Shows, General Gift Card, Gift Card Programs, Employee Incentives & Rewards

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