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Preparing for Your Small Business' 2013 Health and Wellness Program

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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As we head into 2013 and employees commit to the New Year's Resolutions to quit smoking, lose weight, or generally live healthier lives it is the perfect time for your small business to implement a health and wellness program. Here are a few tips on starting the year off right for your business and your employees.
Lead the Way Lead by example. If employees observe you living a healthier life style they will take note, and be more motivated to follow suit. If you live a healthier life, and offer a health and wellness program it gathers integrity for the program because employees see the business owner participating.
Designate a Leader Appoint a leader to charge ahead with implementation of the program. Provide a framework, and a budget to work with, and really let someone in your organization make this program their own. This will also plant roots for the program within the organizational community. A peer leader is bound to give strength to a health and wellness program.
Make it Relevant Know your audience. Use motivators and carrot rewards, like gift cards, that will hold intrinsic value with your employees. Having a variety of rewards for goals achieved, whether it is a goal weight reached or another health goal, is important. Providing gift cards to a variety of healthy living retailers such as
NutriSystem, or
GNC is a great way to support employees on their way to healthier living.
Involve Your Insurance Company Many health insurance plans now offer a wellness program or reduced rate on wellness options such as massage, yoga classes, gym memberships and more. Inquiring with your insurance provider about what might be available to your employees could build in more incentive for employees to participate in a health and wellness program.
For more information on Health and Wellness program ideas for 2013 check out this article from SmallBizTrends.com.  

Topics: Gift Card Incentives & Rewards, Gift Card Trends, Workplace Health & Wellness, General Health & Wellness, Gift Cards, General Gift Card

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