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Incorporating Innovation into Recognition

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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It is easy to provide standard compensation to employees: salary, plus rewards for organizational success and individual achievements. But what about innovation? If an employee finds an innovative way to change the business for the better, or to change the atmosphere in the office, shouldn't that be rewarded on a higher level? Shouldn't innovation that improves the business either internally or externally garner organization-wide recognition, not to mention some compensation that goes beyond standard bonuses? Rewarding innovation is important to move your business forward, and to keep your employees engaged in the company's work at all times. To know there is a high level reward behind innovative thinking and behavior is a huge employee motivator, and lets employees know that their organization stands behind them as long as they are committed. The compensation could be monetary, or it could come in the form of a choice of gift cards, which would reward the employee in a more personal way. Gift cards hold a trophy value, and can be used by the employee to treat themselves, friends, or family with their reward. Compensating employees is expected, but rewarding and engaging employees by driving your business to innovation is much more productive.
For more information on how to reward your employees for innovative behaviors check out this Fast Company article.

Topics: Gift Card Trends, Gift Cards, Employee Engagement, General Gift Card, Employee Incentives & Rewards

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