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How to Motivate a Large Team

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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Employee motivation can get repetitive and less effective when trying to find unique motivation for a large number of employees. Here are 3 easy ways to motivate a team of any size.

  1. Hold Meetings: Meetings for meeting's sake are never appreciated, but having standing meetings to update a team or have teams update each other is critical interpersonal communication. Having face time helps build relationships, trust and camaraderie.
  2. Reward Performance: When an employee does their job well, acknowledge it in a tangible and public way. Small spot rewards like $5 or $10 gift cards to retailers like AutoZone and Speedway Gas go a long way in making employees feel appreciated, and encourages peers to exhibit desired behavior.
  3. Make Work Fun: This seems obvious, but when co-workers can have fun together and work in a fun environment, they are excited to come to work each day. An energetic, synergistic team is a great asset.

Topics: Employee Recognition, Gift Card Incentives & Rewards, Gift Card Trends, Gift Cards, General Gift Card, Employee Incentives & Rewards

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