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Employee Gifting Guide

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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It is the most wonderful time of the year, or the most confusing. Figuring out your employee gifting/holiday bonus program can be a real pain. How to be fair, how to reward the hardest workers, how to keep everyone happy. Here are a few tips to get you through the employee gifting cycle without a scratch.

  1. It's either a gift OR a bonus, not both: Holiday bonuses are not year end bonuses. Unless your review cycle runs through the holiday season, be sure that it is crystal clear to your whole staff that holiday bonuses are a nice gesture from the employer, and year end bonuses are correlated to year long performance.
  2. Holiday gifts don't have to be equal but should be consistent: If you do not make all employee gifts equal across all levels of your company, make sure gift tiers are clearly communicated. Their should be no question of who gets what gift and why at any point in the employee gifting process.
  3.  Gifts don't have to be the same as last year: Switch it up. If you gave small cash gifts last year, take it a step further this year and offer your employees a gift card to their favorite retailer. With options like The Limited, Speedway gas and Boston Market, you can help employees with their holiday shopping, help them curb the cost of transportation or even help them get dinner on the table on time. By directing their gift into a gift card, employees can't get the gift mixed into the money they pay their bills with.

For more information on employee holiday gifts check out this article from BenefitsPro.  

Topics: Employee Recognition, Gift Card Incentives & Rewards, Gift Card Trends, Rewards & Loyalty, Gift Cards, General Gift Card, Corporate Holiday Gifts, Employee Incentives & Rewards

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