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Pay-When-Use Gift Cards Help Control Retailer (and Employer!) Costs

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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Canadian mobile gift card vendor, Kiind, has put the gift card industry on its head. Kiind offers a pay-when-used gift card system
 that doesn't charge the purchaser until the recipient has taken the gift card in-store and used it. Since unused gift cards have cost both retailers and gift-givers an immense amount of money, Kiind's technology allows gift cards to become a lower-risk proposition.

For consumers this is awesome, because if they buy a friend a gift and the friend forgets about it and doesn't use it, they essentially get to keep the money they would have spent. For employers, scale that savings up to a multi-hundred, or even multi-thousand person organization. The money employers will save on unused rewards, will essentially get funneled back to the company. This makes gift cards an even easier, more efficient employee recognition reward.
For more information on pay-when-used gift cards, check out this article from Retail Customer Experience.

Topics: Employee Recognition, Gift Card Incentives & Rewards, Gift Card Trends, Gift Cards, General Gift Card, Employee Incentives & Rewards

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