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Create Employee Loyalty: What Do They Want?

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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It's often a conundrum for most employers to create employee loyalty within their company. Figuring out how to motivate employees, keep them happy and prevent them for looking for other employment is a major concern, especially given the diverse interest and priorities between Baby Boomers and Millennials. Where do you start? What would the budget look like, if there even is one? Maybe this will help. Towergate Insurance performed a recent study and created an infographic to try to answer the question,

"What do employees really want?”

Here are some of the responses to what they think would increase loyalty the most:

  • 40% of employees think it's compensation
  • 36% think it’s a benefits package
  • 34% think it’s career advancement opportunities
  • 31% think it's training and education

Surveys like this help employers target employee rewards to maximize employee loyalty throughout different times of the year and over their tenure with the company. Keep in mind that these results leave room for interpretation.
Compensation can include bonuses and rewards, in addition to just a bi-monthly paycheck.
Benefits packages could include a health and wellness program, not just coverage for health insurance. Interpreting results that seem straight forward in a creative way can lead you to what employees really want in order for you to create employee loyalty and foster it for the long haul. See the full infographic below and check out the animated version here.
Create employee Loyalty

Topics: Employee Performance, Employee Recognition, Workplace Health & Wellness, Rewards & Loyalty, Employee Benefits, Employee Engagement, Employee Retention, Professional Development, Employee Incentives & Rewards

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