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Using Incentives to Drive Change in Corporate Wellness- Upcoming Webinar!

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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Upcoming Webinar! Using Incentives to Drive Change in Corporate Wellness Programs

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In our blog we've addressed how
employee wellness is now company culture, the benefits of keeping your employees healthy and the ROI that a successful corporate wellness program can generate. Now we turn our focus on how to drive change in corporate wellness. Without changed behavior being constantly encouraged and healthy behaviors adopted by employees, that corporate wellness you put so much time and energy to develop, implement and foster is pointless. When the GiftCard Partners team went to The Employer Healthcare and Benefits Congress back in September we saw the level of importance being placed on corporate wellness and the challenge with employee engagement in the programs. This is no small problem, after all, if employees are not engaged then they aren't likely changing unhealthy behaviors, making all the work put into the program essentially wasted. This is where incentives play such an essential role in the ability to drive change in corporate wellness. But incentives come in all shapes and sizes (not to mention price tags), so how do you determine which to use and how they are presented to your program participants. Being the gift card company that we are, we took this opportunity to answer the question,

Why are gift cards the right incentives and can they drive the change employers are looking for?

We commissioned our research partner, Shapiro+Raj to survey a nationally representative sample of 5,000 American consumers and a companion survey of corporate HR and C-Suite executives to help address this question and many more that we had.
Key findings from this research look into:

  • How employees really feel about changing behaviors.
  • What works to keep the population and the individual engaged in changing their behaviors and gain compliance.
  • The types of incentives that work to truly engage employees
  • Perceptions of changing behaviors; absenteeism, use of emergency facilities, morale, greater productivity etc. (rewards/incentives, gym memberships/onsite or offsite, screening and other wellness services)
  • How well healthcare providers and employers serve the needs of the company and the employees.
  • How well employees are adapting to recent changes in healthcare delivery.
  • The patient-centered initiatives currently/likely to have the greatest impact.
  • The role and impact of incentive-centric programs and support; both currently and in the future.

Our upcoming webinar, Using Incentives to Drive Change in Corporate Wellness Programscompiles the research and discusses all of the findings. Register for webinar Register now to save your seat for this webinar. Using Incentives to Drive Change in Corporate Wellness Programs 

Friday, November 20, 2015  |  1:00 pm EST  

Topics: Workplace Health & Wellness, Webinars & Webcasts

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