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Employee Engagement Planning for 2023

Most companies are now in the planning season for 2023, but uncertainty about the economy, continued labor shortages and stubborn inflation are posing unique challenges to planning and forecasting budgets. Given these challenges, initiatives like employee engagement may not seem like an executive-level priority, but the risks of continued high turnover, paired with high onboarding costs for new employees are far greater than the cost of a coordinated employee engagement program that helps retain key members of your team. 

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Incorporating Digital Health in Your 2021 Wellness Programs

As we head into 2021, employers are looking to turn the page on a tough year. However, the push for digital health and wellness programs is still prevalent and should be part of your 2021 plan. As many organizations remain remote, employees are missing out on health and wellness perks that were available while working in the office. It is important for employers to keep their employees motivated to stay healthy, especially through the winter months. 

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Businesses Sacrificing Profit Margins, Tech To Gain Customer Loyalty

Gaining customer loyalty is one of the most difficult metrics to hit in today’s omni-channel B2C market.

Businesses are making two sacrifices to build consumer loyalty: one is an investment in technology and the other is a slimming of profit margins to ensure customers feel like they’re getting a bargain.

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10 Tools To Create Caring And Comfortable Customer Loyalty

Customer loyalty is the bedrock of any successful business, and the way you deliver your product or service plays a pivotal role in cultivating that loyalty. As Micah Solomon, a renowned customer service consultant, highlights in his book High-Tech, High-Touch Customer Service, even the most perfect product needs to be delivered with genuine care to truly resonate with customers. In today's competitive market, showing care goes beyond the product itself—it's about creating an experience that makes customers feel valued and appreciated.

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HR Initiatives and Employee Engagement

According to the new #HRWins study done by George LaRocque, employee engagement is a top priority for HR departments. But when it comes to Finance dedicating dollars, core HR initiatives like professional development and learning and training initiatives still garner more budget than engagement initiatives.

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