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Using Carrots to Raise Retention Rates

Using carrot rewards, which reward employees for desired behavior, have been proven effective in rewarding employees in a number of ways. Carrots can be used in health and wellness programs to reward employees for reaching goals, they can be used as spot rewards, to reward employees on the spot for desired behavior, but carrots are most traditionally used as milestone rewards. Rewarding employees for long-term commitment to their organization goes a long way. Whether it is a gift card on their one year anniversary, extra vacation time after 5 years, or a watch after 10 years, recognizing employees efforts, commitment and sacrifice over time is crucial. It both recognizes the employee's contribution, and shows the employee that their organization will continue to support and recognize them. When employees feel noticed and supported their productivity goes up, their commitment extends, and they become more content in their jobs and their workplace. Dangling carrots may help boost retention rates and keep employees content for longer.
For more information on using carrot rewards to improve employee retention check out this article from Daily News and Analysis.

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How to Create Superstar Employees

When employees are distracted, stressed, or discontent in their personal lives they often bring that negative energy into the work place. Combine outside stress with the general workplace grind and you are bound to have some unhappy employees. They feel disengaged at work, not supported by their organization's management and begin to resent their position, their professional environment, and ultimately try to change their professional situation. The Corporate Leadership Council shows some staggering statistics about recent employee (lack of)  organizational engagement. 60 percent of organizations report that they are experiencing a leadership crisis, which is an increase of 40 percent from just a year earlier. Weak leadership often also leads to a restless, dissatisfied workforce. Worse yet, the number of employees that are “highly disengaged” has doubled since early 2008. So how do you combat this negative energy in the workplace? Focus your organization's employee investment dollars on the time employees spend outside of the office. Reward employees' desired behavior with spot rewards such as a gift card to a restaurant employees can enjoy with their family, or create a points system so employees can save their rewards points and redeem for bigger incentives, such as an extra vacation day. According to research done by the Corporate Executive Board employees who feel they have a better work-life balance tend to work 21% harder than those that don’t. So instead of investing in employees work time, invest in employees non-work time, so that when employees are at work they are mentally present, physically present, and just as invested in their job, as their employer is in them.  
For more information on creating a positive workplace environment check out this Care2 article.  

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Gift Card Rewards for International Employees, Customers & Partners

Chances are, you have European employees, customers, business partners, resellers, or affiliates in Europe. Rewarding those constituents for a job well done or recognizing that they’ve gone above and beyond is important to keep them engaged in their work, loyal in their business dealings, motivated in their camaraderie, and incentivized to succeed.

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Reward Your Employees this Valentine's Day with a Gift They Can Give

With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, many are gearing up to figure out just the right gift for their significant other. Why not take the worry and stress out of finding that “perfect” gift that usually comes with a gift receipt and another trip to the store. Calling all employers! Valentine's day is a great time to exercise that wonderful incentive or loyalty program you’ve just put in place. Show you care by rewarding your employees with gift cards to 
CVS/pharmacy so they can reward the ones they love. While the gentlemen are scratching their heads on whether to grab the Small shirt, so not to offend their wife, or trying to decide if her favorite color is purple even though she’s been wearing a lot of black lately, there is an easy solution. A gift card to Catherines or Lane Bryant
 will ensure she gets exactly what she wants and leave him out of the dog house this February 14th. The women in the office may be having some trouble of their own. They can get their guy the gift that keeps on giving with an
AutoZone Gift Card…for the other love of his life. Or give him the chance to revamp his wardrobe with a gift card to
Burlington Coat Factory. Use this Valentine's Day as an opportunity to reward your employees hard work and let them reward their loved ones.    

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Are Your Company & Personal Holiday Shopping Habits Reflected in this Infographic?

“After years of recession-fueled frugality, more Americans are feeling the holiday gift-giving spirit in 2011”, says a recent USAA survey. Has your company’s holiday giving increased this year? Budgeting was likely done a year ago, but are you spending more for employee and customer gifts due to better times or do you fall in the “budget glue” category? Have you thought of
gift cards as budget glue? You can literally stick to the dollar of your company gift giving budget with flexible denominations, while giving the gift that people really want – choice!

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