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How to Help Employees’ Families for the Holidays

Damaging storms, tight finances as we approach the holidays, and stressful political and economic times…what can we do to ease the burdens? Although it’s not always possible to give holiday bonuses during the tough times, there are less expensive things we can do to help our employees’ families. When offering cash bonuses, it’s difficult to decide if the dollar amount hits the spot for the employee. However, a gift card for a full family meal or 2 at
Boston Market, will hit the spot. Research tells us that 61% of employees would be satisfied with a $25 gift card, and 88% of employees would be satisfied with a gift

card of $100 or less. "If they don't expect anything, then there's a great opportunity for surprise," says Theresa Wabler, director of marketing for Parago, Inc." And one of the core tenets of the incentive industry is surprise and delight. Clearly, a little bit does go a long way."    

Topics: B2B Gift Cards, Employee Recognition, Gift Card Incentives & Rewards, Gift Card Trends, Workplace Health & Wellness, Boston Market, General Gift Card, Gift Card Programs, Bulk Gift Cards, Employee Incentives & Rewards

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