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How One Manufacturer Combats an Aging Workforce & Healthcare Costs

Imagine being the CEO of a company, and walking into work one day to find a 60% jump in benefits cost per employee.  How does that happen? And more importantly…how does a company combat or neutralize that? Once such textile manufacturer in  Ohio roused to find just such a reality. An aging workforce led to many instances of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and ultimately, decreased productivity. Once implementing a health and wellness program for employees and spouses that revolves around blood tests, and  includes incentives; Standard Textile achieved a 27 % improvement in employees with high blood pressure and a 37% improvement in high employees with cholesterol.
Read on about how one manufacturer improved their employee health

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Social Gaming Towards Health

As pressure increases on employers and health insurance companies to bring down costs by improving plan participants’ health, insurance companies are developing virtual reality games and inter-organizational competition with real rewards. As employees hit health goals and milestones in gaming portals that can range from basic health tracking and rewards to more social, team based competition applications, health care providers and insurance companies offer rewards. The rewards can range from small denomination gift cards to a much bigger prize like a vacation upon reaching the participant’s desired wellness goals.

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GiftCard Partners Launches The Cheesecake Factory Gift Cards in Bulk

GiftCard Partners Launches B2B The Cheesecake Factory Gift Cards

GiftCard Partners offers one of the best dining experiences in the U.S., in bulk!

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The History of Prepaid Infographic

Thank you to the Prepaid Expo for bringing us this interesting infographic, which was commissioned by CoreCard®. The History of Prepaid Infographic highlights the progression of Prepaid, starting in the 1970’s and heading into predictions for 2013. The future of prepaid is not just about spending and consumerism; prepaid will thrive in government and healthcare sectors via benefit payment programs.

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