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Blow the Dust off Your Customer Loyalty Program & Make It Shine

Do you remember that Customer Loyalty Program your company has in place? Oh that’s right I think Bob’s looking into that every other Thursday. Well it’s time to take it to the next level, it could be the difference between having a successful year that’s one for the books and barely making it through. Entrepreneur released an article explaining the importance of a Customer Loyalty Program and how it is more valuable than ever “in this age of social connectivity.” Word-of-mouth has gone to a whole new level…and spreads like wildfire. It’s important to invest financial resources into making your current customers feel appreciated, after all they could end up being a spokesperson for your company or for your competitor. The article highlights 5 ways to improve your Customer Loyalty Program. Here’s a couple that caught our eye:
Refresh the ‘Thank You’- Give your 'Thank You’ a facelift, after all it’s seen by all of your customers. Entrepreneur states, “…ideas for improvement include lacing in a promotion to instigate immediate action…” Why not offer gift cards to new customers to show that you appreciate their business, whether it’s to
SUBWAY for a healthy lunch or family night at
Boston Market they're sure to be grateful.
Improve your feedback channel- Most company’s don’t realize how critical your customer feedback can be. Make sure that you are getting relevant information and turning it around to give your customers the best experience they can have. *Tip: Maybe you understand the importance of customer feedback and find it hard to pry it out of your customers? I smell an incentive. Try rewarding them with gift cards to their favorite restaurant or clothing store! To find out more ways to kick start your Customer Engagement Program check out
5 Ways to Take Customer Loyalty to the Next Level here.

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Customer Care. Loyalty Programs and the New Strategic Imperative

Commercial Cleaning & Janitorial: How to Retain Employees & Customers

The challenges in the commercial cleaning industry are many. Service providers, also known as “janitors” are often considered by employers to require “low skill” and little to no industry specific education. These circumstances often lead to the lack of motivation for cleaning service providers which can result in high employee turnover, and higher than desirable expenses. What can commercial cleaning and janitorial companies do about this? Here are a few ideas:

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What Corporations Can Learn About Customer Loyalty

Loyal customer appreciation gifts are a staple of retailer and major brand customer retention and new customer acquisition strategies, but, in tough times, are corporations learning from what the kings of consumerism do? A recent Demandware webinar called “Amazon is Eating Everyone’s Lunch: How to Not Be the Main Course!”, uncovered how Amazon’s customer experience and loyalty program have stolen critical mass shopper market-share, not only by beating all other retailers on price, but also by learning from their customers via surveys and creating a loyalty program that other retailers dream of. What can companies and corporations learn from Amazon? Think about your customer loyalty program. Don’t have one? Create one before your competitors eat your lunch. Think about offering “thank you’s” for repeated purchase of product or services. Declare August or September “Loyalty Month” and offer a
gift card in return for completing a customer satisfaction and learnings survey. Give
gift cards to repeat customers who refer new customers to you.
Are you ensuring that your customers are not only happy, but incented to keep coming back?
Read on in the GCP eBook . 2012
Incentives in the Workplace to discover how companies of all shapes, sizes, and industries use incentives to drive their desired results.

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Our Workplace Incentives eBook is HERE!

Are you looking to improve productivity, while keeping your employees motivated? Do you wonder how other industries that also run the programs you do implement them? Do you want to know how other people measure their employee incentive programs?

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