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Employer New Year's Resolutions: Keeping Employees Healthy

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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In the spirit of the new year, and burning off those holiday calories, it is time to make sure that employers are keeping their employees healthy going into 2012. In a country where 65% of adults don't exercise regularly, 50% have high cholesterol, 25% have high blood pressure, and 30% are obese it is critical that employers, who monopolize adults waking hours promote healthy living. Incorporating a wellness program, where employees are rewarded with small bonuses such as small denomination gift cards for participation in an exercise regiment, or for participating in a diet program pays off. Government and industry statistics show that for every $1 invested in wellness programs employers save between $3 and $5 in health care costs for their employees.   Keep your employees healthy this new year, and it will save your company money.
To learn more check out the Wilkes-Barre Times Leader article.

Topics: Workplace Health & Wellness, General Gift Card, Safety Incentives, Employee Incentives & Rewards

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