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Learn from the Pros: How Top Organizations Maximize Reward Programs for Big Results

If you’re like most people, you’ve probably watched a video tutorial at some point in your life to learn something new. We often look to pros in certain fields to learn from their practices to enhance our own.

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Combat Winter Blues for Better Employee Health

Employee health and wellness programs are both popular and effective, but are you using your wellness program to get ahead of the winter blues?

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3 Easy Ways to Promote Employee Health During Flu Season

As the weather gets colder and the days get shorter, flu season looms. You see flu shot signs as you drive by local pharmacies and employers start to put a plan together to prevent flu from decreasing productivity in the office and crippling the workforce.

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How Rewards Solve the Engagement Challenge in the Workplace

Rewards aren’t new to employee recognition and retention programs, but they are growing in popularity. Over 80% of businesses use rewards to overcome their business challenges today. They’re a perfect tool for recognizing top-achieving performance, boosting morale, and creating a supportive work environment.

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The Real Price of Disengaged Employees

In recent years, the number of employees who do not feel appreciated at work has grown, and that could be a big problem for companies. When employees are dissatisfied for long enough, they’re more likely to look for another job, which means employers are stuck with high turnover and on-boarding costs.

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