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Using Gift Cards to Support Mental Health Initiatives in the Workplace

In today's fast-paced and high-pressure work environment, prioritizing employee mental health has never been more critical. According to a recent Gallup survey, 40% of sampled American workers reported that their job had a negative impact on their mental health. In a post-pandemic world, mental health has become front and center not just for individuals in their private lives, but as a component of their professional experiences.  

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Streamlining Open Enrollment with CVS® Gift Cards

Simplifying open enrollment helps employees understand their benefits and make better choices. It's not just about logistics, but also engaging employees. This engagement is crucial, as it directly impacts their satisfaction and perception of the organization's care for their well-being.  

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Showing Appreciation: Dental Assistant Week Gifts & Ideas

Behind every healthy smile is a dedicated dental assistant, the unsung heroes of dental care. This Dental Assistant Appreciation Week, let's turn the spotlight on these vital team members and explore heartfelt ways to say 'thank you' for their unwavering dedication. While we’re at it, we can also take this opportunity to show our appreciation to all healthcare workers. This article explores unique gift ideas and celebration strategies to make dental assistants as well as other healthcare workers feel valued and appreciated.

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Boosting Employee Health and Wellness Programs with Gift Cards: Real-Life Examples

Health and wellness programs are one of the few employee programs that benefit both employers and employees directly. These programs lower healthcare costs for both parties and provide benefits to physical, mental and financial well-being that allow employees to bring their best selves to work every day. 

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How Healthcare Providers Increase their Health Plan Member Engagement with Gift Cards

Increasing engagement between healthcare providers and health plan members or patients can improve outcomes for providers, members, and the health plan alike. There are a variety of ways health plans drive member engagement, but using healthcare providers as part of that process is a great way to bring plan members closer to their own healthcare management, making them more proactive and often healthier.

There are many gift card use cases in healthcare settings and they can vary based on the situation. Read on to learn more about how healthcare providers can use gift cards to drive engagement with health plan members and how actual Engage2Reward™ customers are using these programs.

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