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How To Integrate Gift Cards into Your Customer Service Programs

Customer service is often associated with long hold times, complicated solutions and an overall bad experience for customers. These interactions are crucial moments in the customer journey that can make or break a relationship, so turning a negative into a positive can increase lifetime customer value exponentially.

When considering how to improve customer service, gift cards are a great way to integrate rewards into your service experience and leave customers with positive memory of their interaction. This blog will outline how integrating gift cards into customer service programs can help enhance customer experience, boost loyalty and retention, build positive associations with customer support and improve the overall customer experience.

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How to Reconnect and Build Customer Relationships

For many real estate agents, the relationship between agent and customer ends when the closing is complete. Houses are a long term investment for most and aren’t a frequently purchased item. However, there are proven ways to not only reconnect with customers but to build customer relationships. Here are 4 ways to accomplish both.

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3 Ways Loyal Employees Make Your Business Better

Loyal Employees are important for a number of reasons. It’s always better to have happy people working for the health of your business. Having loyal employees makes your business better and stronger over the long term. Here are three ways employee loyalty can actually improve your business.

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Boston Market's New Customer Service Initiative

In an effort to vamp up their customer service, Boston Market has recently rolled out its new customer service initiative: Guest Service Excellence program just in time for the holidays. In a recent article from QSR, 
Boston Market Ramps Up Customer Services, Tony Buford, the’s brands chief operating officer said, “Like any service-oriented business, guest experience and customer service are items that we’re constantly working to perfect.” Corporate executives hit the road to visit Boston Market locations all across the U.S. as part of the program roll out in order to personally introduce employees to the new touchpoint in the program. The program focuses on five key points:

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Employee Engagement Leads to Customer Satisfaction

A new study recently released by the Aberdeen Group suggests that employee engagement and ensuring the satisfaction of your customer service representatives could significantly boost your end customers satisfaction with brand interactions. Consider this: when a customer is calling your customer service line, they are unhappy with aspect of your product or service. If that unhappiness is met with disgruntled employees who are unwilling to go above and beyond to rectify whatever the problem may be, their impression of your brand only deteriorates further. The study shows that among employee engagement "leader" organizations 75% are using eLearning tools to train their employees and gauge employee satisfaction while only 44% of "follower" organizations are following suit. Using these types of tools that easily integrate into your employees' systems helps employees voice their opinions and allows employers to make adjustments to ensure the critical employees who have end-consumer interactions remain engaged and satisfied at work. Employee engagement can take a number of forms outside of a survey. Attendance management is a way to boost employee engagement, especially for those employees who are working more and taking less vacation time. Offering incentives like professional development opportunities or small rewards like small denomination gift cards to
Boston Market or
1-800-Flowers is another great way to reward employees for participating in employee engagement efforts.
For more information on how to use employee engagement to ensure your consumers' satisfaction check out this article from Incentive Magazine.

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