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Why Employee Ambassadors Improve the Bottom Line

Employee ambassadors are great for any brand. They know how to sell the product, the know their customer base and, if you're lucky, they are loyal to the organizational mission. But brand ambassadors also directly affect your organization's bottom line, because they have a huge impact on consumer experience.
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Professional Development Boosts Employee Morale

Employee morale can dip at the end of the summer, so around this time of year it is important to make sure you support morale around your office to maintain productivity, retention rates and general workplace happiness. Professional development can be a great way to shake up the day-to-day office routine. Professional development also serves as a morale booster because it shows employer commitment to the workforce. Investing in employees' skills and ensuring they have the latest training in their field is a great way to show you are committed to their professional development now and into the future. If you commit to the well-being of your employees, they will feel greater loyalty and satisfaction at their job and it ensures the well-being of your organization. Check out the infographic below to learn more about how professional development can boost morale at your office.

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Inspire Your Employees to the "Core of their Beings"

Check out this video below from the founder and CEO of Tout. I hope as an employer that you take what he says to heart. Inspire your employees everyday, and show them you care. Don't always focus on money or day to day transactional behavior. Look beyond that once in a while and inspire your employees to do what they do because YOU believe in it, and you believe in their ability to accomplish strategic goals. Inspiring employees, whether you give a quarterly status report, offer rewards large or small such as extra time off or gift cards, or offer regular professional development training, is the most important thing you can do to ensure high retention rates and job satisfaction.
How have you inspired your employees today?

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Inspiring a Healthy Workforce in 2012

This health and wellness incentives article caught my attention since it’s such an important channel for our gift card sales, but what kept my attention was Ken Baker’s sense of humor and fun approach. Baker, CEO of NewAge Industries “is willing to do whatever he can to encourage his employees to live a healthier lifestyle — including making bribes and bets.” His approach is more sophisticated than that statement leads one to believe. There are many cute snippets in this story, like, if Baker’s sales manager Mike Allard lost 40 pounds in 2 months, he’d produce and wear a t-shirt printed with “The Man” in honor of him…if he failed to lose the weight, Allard would wear a shirt decrying defeat. It worked! The crux; motivation and incentives work to build a healthier workforce. “The programs, while voluntary, can offer financial benefits, including lower insurance premiums, gift cards and employer contributions to health savings accounts.” states
Phillyburbs.com in Inspiring employee healthy lifestyles with employer incentives. NewAge Industries is just the kind of company that is taking advantage of federal health care reform policies that offers qualified companies grant money and tax credits to help such companies launch health and wellness programs. “By 2014, companies will be able to offer rewards of up to 30 percent of the total cost of an employee’s insurance coverage.” Small to medium sized business owner and not yet conducting your own health and wellness program? Read on, this is a great overview with interesting context and facts:
Inspiring employee healthy lifestyles with employer incentives.

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