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All Aboard the Corporate Health and Wellness Train

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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Fortune 500 companies are hopping aboard the Corporate Health and Wellness train and taking an active role in their employees’ health and wellness. Joseph Boardman, President and CEO of Amtrak, states in an article in Arrive Magazine that he is concerned about the health, wellness, and well-being of Amtrak’s 20,000 employees. He goes on to highlight the fact that many of his employees, like other companies around the country, face healthcare risks that they may not even know about, like high blood pressure or cholesterol levels, heart disease or back pains, weight struggles or diabetes.

His solution? Corporate Health and Wellness! In April 2013, Amtrak launched the “Every Day Wellness” program in an effort to educate, inspire and foster action towards getting on the right track when it comes to employees health and wellness. Boardman stated in the article, “We want Amtrak to be the healthiest workplace possible.”

A Corporate Health and Wellness program has the ability to make a huge impact on the health of a company’s employees, but without incentives, it’s just sitting on the tracks. Fueling it with healthy incentives like the health-conscious gift card brands CVS and Nutrisystem is a great way to incentivize healthy behavior with a healthy reward, bringing the whole health and wellness process to a full circle.

Check out the full article from Amtrak President and CEO, Joseph Boardman, to see more on Amtrax’s Journey to Health & Wellness.


Topics: B2B Gift Cards, Gift Card Trends, Workplace Health & Wellness, Health Incentives, General Gift Card, Employee Incentives & Rewards

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