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Make Sure You Get the Truth From Your Employees

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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Getting truthful opinions from employees about their job and the organization are a great way to ensure that your company stays on track, and treats its employees the right way. Keeping employees happy keeps them productive, and increasing productivity will often increase revenue. Here are 8 ways from 
bussiness2community.com to makes sure you get the truth from your employees, and reward them for maintaining an open dialog.

  1. Give your employees permission, through words and actions, to tell the honest truth.
  2. Give people permission to make mistakes and have a conversation about it. Give them feedback so they can fix their mistakes in the future and grow.
  3. Watch how you respond to what an employee tells you when it’s not what you want to hear. That sets the tone for everything. Being able to handle criticism is the only way to improve the morale and change the attitude in a working environment.
  4. Be clear with managers about how important it is to share bad news in a timely manner, and how this helps minimize “damage.
  5. Reward people who take a risk, even if they fail. Provide small spot rewards, such as gift cards to employees who put themselves out there and take risks.
  6. Make it clear that you don’t have all the answers either.
  7. Be tough on the issues but not on the people. Address problems and be tough, but treat your people with respect and understanding.
  8. Let go of team members who are resistant to your vision, priorities, or to change. They will hold back the company. The rest of the team will see this as a sign of your truthful commitment to what you say is important. This is where aligning actions and words becomes critical.

Topics: Employee Recognition, Gift Card Incentives & Rewards, Rewards & Loyalty, Gift Cards, General Gift Card, Corporate Gifts, Employee Incentives & Rewards

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